Thursday, November 2, 2017

Causes of Bleeding Gums

Do you see blood in the water when you spit out your toothpaste? If so, that’s a problem. Gingivitis, or inflamed gums, is a common ailment, but it’s an ailment all the same and requires treatment and preventive effort.

Sometimes, people’s gums can bleed if they are brushing too hard with a hard-bristled brush. But in most cases, bleeding is the result of infection. Bacteria are always growing in the mouth and are often beneficial or harmless, but they can easily grow out of control in the gum pockets if they have enough food. Bacteria produce plaque around the gum line, which hardens into tartar. Acid sticks to plaque and tartar, irritating the gums and causing them to bleed.

Some factors put people at greater risk: smoking, pregnancy, blood thinners, and dry mouth. The last one is a common medication side-effect. People in these situations need to be especially vigilant about their oral hygiene (remembering that brushing needs to be done consistently, but not too hard), and to come in regularly for professional cleanings.

Dr. Christopher Emuedue operates Greenville Family Dentistry at 7215 I-30, Suite B, Greenville, Texas, 75402. To schedule an appointment, call 903-455-6701 or visit and fill out a contact sheet.


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