Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How a Night Guard Protects Your Teeth

Grinding your teeth at night can lead to pain, TMJ problems, and the wear-down of your teeth. To protect our patients’ teeth and jaw joints, at Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, we provide our patients with custom-fitted night guards.

The night guard is a plastic mouth guard worn while sleeping or even while awake if needed. Each guard is customized for each individual patient so it fits them uniquely. It creates a barrier between your upper teeth and lower teeth so that grinding at night does not wear down teeth or cause damage. Night guards can last for up to ten years, depending on the patient’s use.

If you wake up with a sore jaw, tender teeth, or are experiencing sensitivity to your teeth, be sure to visit us for an examination. A custom-fitted will offer you protection while still being comfortable to wear.

To learn more about night guards, or the damage grinding your teeth can do, visit our website, To schedule an appointment with Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, call our office at (903) 455-6701 or visit our website. 

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