Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Cleaning Your Tongue

When you think about taking care of your oral health, you probably think about your teeth and gums. But did you know that you tongue should get just as much attention? At Greenville Family Dentistry of Greenville, TX, we are reminding patients to brush their tongue and letting them know why it is important.

Our tongues can become harbors for bacteria. The whitish film that builds up on it every day is from our food, drinks, and saliva. Removing it helps keep a cleaner mouth. It helps keep away plaque build-up which keeps away cavities and gum disease. In addition, keeping a clean tongue is a great way to avoid bad breath. Bacteria are what cause bad odor and the more you remove, the more fresh your breath will be.

Clean your tongue after brushing and flossing your teeth. To clean your tongue, you can use your toothbrush or a tongue scraper. To use a toothbrush, put a small amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush and brush the tongue up and down and then side-to-side. Rinse the brush every couple of strokes to get rid of the bacterial film you are removing. You do not want to redeposit it. Tongue scrapers are sold in most places that sell dental supplies. There are metal ones and plastic ones. Take the scraper and drag it down your tongue, starting from the back. Be firm, but do not hurt yourself. After each stroke, rinse off the scraper. Rinse your mouth after you are done cleaning your tongue.

For more information about oral health or to schedule an appointment with Greenville Family Dentistry of Greenville, TX, call us at (903) 455-6701 or visit our website,

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