Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Dental Bridge for Tooth Replacement

Replacing a missing tooth is important for many aspects of your oral health. A popular option here at Greenville Family Dentistry is the dental bridge. The dental bridge is a long-lasting option for tooth replacement that restores your oral health and your smile!

Dental bridges affix a replacement tooth to dental crowns which will go over the teeth adjacent to where the open space is. The replacement tooth is often snugged between two crowns, which is why it is referred to as a bridge. Bridges can be made to look just like your natural teeth, so it will blend right in with your smile.

A dental bridge is custom-created for each individual by reshaping the enamel on the teeth the crowns will be placed onto, and taking an impression of the reshaped teeth, the open space, and the area around it. This is to ensure that the bridge will have the perfect fit and the perfect bite.

Replacing a tooth that has been lost or extracted is important for your other teeth, your jaw, and your gums. The replacement tooth will prevent the other teeth from shifting toward the open space. Also, when a tooth is lost, the bone in that area begins to degenerate and change the shape of the jaw. When you replace the tooth, this will no longer happen, and your jaw and gums will continue to be healthy and normal.

To learn if a dental bridge is the right fit for you, schedule a consultation at Greenville Family Dentistry here in Greenville, TX. To schedule, call (903) 455-6701 or visit our website,

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