Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are a type of restorative dental procedure that helps to protect the tooth from further decay or damage. It is also known as a partial crown, because the process is very similar to a crown. However, it is more conservative than a crown and involves less removal of healthy tooth structure.
Here at Greenville Family Dentistry, we perform inlays and onlays to help strengthen a tooth susceptible to breaking, prevent permanent damage that would need an implant or bridge, and restore its shape as well. The inlay is placed inside the tooth, while the onlay is more extensive and goes on the outside of the tooth.
Like with dental crowns, inlays and onlays performed in our office take about 2-3 weeks in total. Here is a summary of the procedure:
1. The patient visits our office and has a local anesthetic to numb the area of the tooth. This makes it so the patient is comfortable and does not experience any pain during the procedure.
2. A drill is used to remove the damaged portion of the tooth; this is where the inlay or onlay will go.
3. With the tooth prepared, impressions are made for the inlays or onlays and sent to the lab.
4. The patient returns in about two weeks to have the inlay or onlay bonded to their tooth. This is similar to a crown, though it is not covering the entire tooth.
For inlays or onlays as a restorative dental procedure, visit us at Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX!

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