Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Dental Cleanings

It is recommended by the Academy of General Dentistry you have a dentist or hygienist perform a dental cleaning every six months.  Greenville Family Dentistry encourages our patients to maintain a great oral health routine at home, but it is still important to come into the office for regular professional cleanings.  However much you brush and floss, some harmful bacteria grow in your mouth that cause gum disease and can only be removed by a dental professional.

It’s important to see a professional regularly to locate and monitor areas in the mouth that may need special attention, and a dentist can tell you if you may be missing a spot or skipping an important step in your regular oral care routine.  During a teeth cleaning, our hygienists thoroughly clean the area above and below the gum line with scaling tools to rid them of plaque and tartar. After the surfaces of the teeth are cleaned, the hygienist flosses between every one of your teeth and may apply fluoride if recommended by the dentist.

If you need your teeth cleaned, don’t wait any longer.  To learn more about regular dental cleanings and all the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, call 903-455-6701.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Oral Cancer Screenings

The doctors and staff of Greenville Family Dentistry want you and your family to be aware of the risk of oral cancer.  We encourage you to ask about an oral cancer screening with each dental checkup.  Heavy smoking and drinking of course increase the risk of oral cancer, but oral cancer can still occur if someone never smokes.  In fact, the human papilloma virus (HPV) was recently found to be responsible for most oral cancers that originated in the back of the mouth. 

To screen for oral cancer, our doctors perform a visual exam and use an ultraviolet light device to detect any cancerous irregularities in tissue.  This exam can be done in a short length of time and in addition to any dental appointment.  Regular screenings are the best way to protect you and your family, but always contact us if you notice any inexplicable pain, swelling, or numbness in your throat or jaw.

To learn more about oral cancer screenings and all the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, call 903-455-6701.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Preventive Dentistry Refresher

The dental appointment with Dr. Christopher Emuedue of Greenville Family Dentistry is a very important part of preventive dental care, but prevention starts at home. The most important preventive technique should be utilized every day which includes brushing and flossing at least twice a day (or after every meal) to reduce plaque. If plaque is left on the teeth, this can lead to periodontal disease and other dental complications.

Preventive measures include eating a healthy diet, visiting our dental office twice a year for routine checkups, practicing proper oral hygiene habits at home, and avoiding cigarettes and alcohol. Foods containing sugar can cause tooth decay. Instead, choose foods that are more beneficial to teeth, like cheese, fruit, nuts, and vegetables. Additionally, poor oral hygiene habits, as well as smoking and drinking, can negatively impact your oral health.

If you would like to discuss dental health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, call 903-455-6701.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Keep Your Smile Healthy During These Holidays

The holiday spread is on the table but you may be feeling a little anxious when it comes to indulging. The holidays are a time when all the dietary rules go out the window, which is fine for a day, but don’t make it a habit. To keep your smile and your waistline healthy and happy, Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry is here to help you make wiser choices.

When attending a party that you aren’t bringing a dish to, you can’t go wrong with the vegetable tray. Carrots are crunchy, firm, and full of water and help scrub your teeth like a natural toothbrush. Dairy products that usually make their way to the holiday table are cheese, and eggs, which are an excellent source of Vitamin D. There are plenty of treats out there to benefit your smile. Whatever you decide to consume, just be sure to brush after every meal!

If you would like to discuss dental health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, call 903-455-6701.