A mouth ulcer is no fun, but patients can come to Greenville Family Dentistry for help managing their symptoms. While the cause of some ulcers is still being debated, there are others which could signal an oral health problem or which the patient should be made aware of.
Some ulcers are caused by the patient’s bite damaging the lining of their cheeks and lips. In these cases, the patient may need to undergo orthodontic work to get their teeth into a better position. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus-1. This virus is easily transferable and most people already have it, but during an outbreak, patients should be careful not to transfer bodily fluids from their mouths to their eyes and should avoid sharing cups and straws. Cankers are large white ulcers which doctors are still unsure of the cause of, but they are mainly found in teenagers and tend to occur when the patient is feeling stressed.
Unless they are being caused by physical irritation, ulcers usually clear up on their own after a month. But if they are painful, our office can provide patients with information about topical creams and antibiotics to get them under control.
Dr. Christopher Emuedue operates Greenville Family Dentistry at 7215 I-30, Suite B, Greenville, Texas, 75402. To schedule an appointment, call 903-455-6701 or visit GreenvilleFamilyDentistryTX.com and fill out a contact sheet.
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