Saturday, June 24, 2017

Bad Breath in Children

Bad breath in children is worth examining because it may lead to the detection of an underlying health issue. However, it could also simply be due to some of the specific challenges children have with oral hygiene, and at Greenville Family Dentistry, we want our patients of all ages to know how to keep their smiles fresh.

Contemporary dental advice for children stresses the need to brush the tongue as much as the teeth. The tongue is a spot where bacteria grow very easily, and in most cases, bad breath is caused by out-of-control bacterial growth. Food debris, which tends to accumulate in the back of the mouth and top of the throat, is food for bacteria, as well, but bacteria also feed on nasal drip. Either a sinus infection or a foreign object in the child’s nose can cause drip, which gets stuck in the top of the throat.

Since saliva is one of the body’s checks on bacterial growth, dry mouth is another environment which fosters bad breath. Children who breathe through their mouths or experience dry mouth as a medication side-effect will likely benefit from saliva stimulation, such as comes from chewing sugar-free gum.

Dr. Christopher Emuedue operates Greenville Family Dentistry at 7215 I-30, Suite B, Greenville, Texas, 75402. To schedule an appointment, call 903-455-6701 or visit and fill out a contact sheet.


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