Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Diabetes and Teeth

People with poorly controlled diabetes are more prone to dental problems. They are more likely to develop infections of their gums and the bones that hold the teeth in place because diabetes can reduce the blood supply to the gums. If you have diabetes, please call our office to schedule a professional exam with Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry to prevent further dental complications.

If you have diabetes, symptoms of dental problems include bleeding and sore gums, frequent infections, and bad breath. Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, managing your blood sugar level is critical. The higher your blood sugar level, the higher your risk of tooth decay, gingivitis, and periodontitis. In addition, high blood sugar may cause dry mouth and make gum disease worse. The decrease in saliva can cause an increase in tooth-decaying bacteria and plaque buildup. You can prevent these problems by maintaining good blood sugar control, brushing and flossing and least twice a day, having a dental checkup every six months and especially by informing your dentist that you have diabetes.

If you are diabetic and have questions about oral care, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, call 903-455-6701.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Is It Possible to Rebuild Tooth Enamel?

The tooth itself is a complex structure that consists of four layers. Three of them – enamel, dentin, and cementum – are hard tissues while the fourth tissue – the pulp or the center of the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue – is soft. The enamel is what helps protect your teeth from daily use such as chewing, biting, crunching and grinding and can be damaged by frequent acid attacks.  Because the enamel is not living tissue, your body can't rebuild tooth enamel that has been damaged or worn away due to erosion from dietary acids. This is why Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry may recommend cosmetic options to rebuild and restore your enamel.

When enamel erodes, the tooth is more susceptible to cavities or tooth decay. When the tooth decay enters the hard enamel, it has entry to the main body of the tooth. Over time, as these cavities grow and penetrate the tooth, they can affect the tiny nerve fibers, resulting in an extremely painful abscess of infection if left untreated. Treatment of the tooth enamel loss will depend on the problem. Sometimes tooth bonding is used to protect the tooth and increase cosmetic appearance. If the enamel loss is significant, our doctors may recommend covering the tooth with a crown to protect against further decay.

If you desire a more aesthetically appealing smile, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, call 903-455-6701.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What is Oral Pathology?

Pathology can be defined as the scientific study of the nature of a disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences. Oral pathology is the specialty that identifies and treats diseases of the mouth and maxillofacial region. Some of the diseases that Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry diagnoses may include mouth and throat cancer, mumps, salivary gland disorders, ulcers, and more. 

When an abnormality is discovered either by the patient, dentist or healthcare provider, a referral is often made to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Diagnosis is completed through radiographic, microscopic, biochemical and other in-office examinations. Because the mouth is readily accessible, changes indicative of oral cancer or a pathological process can easily be detected in the early stages. Pain is not always necessary to define pathology and is not often associated with oral cancer. However, any patient with facial and/or oral pain without an obvious cause or reason may also be at risk for oral cancer.

If you are concerned about oral cancer, give us a call to discuss your options. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, call 903-455-6701.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Tooth-Colored Fillings

A composite filling is a tooth-colored plastic and glass mixture that Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry uses to restore decayed teeth. Composite resins, or tooth-colored fillings, provide good durability and resistance to fracture in small to mid-size fillings that need to withstand moderate pressure from the constant stress of chewing. They are an excellent choice for people who prefer that their fillings look more natural.

Many people are more conscious about the way they look, therefore they don’t want silver fillings that show when they laugh or smile. It generally takes longer to place a composite filling than it does for a metal filling and that’s because composite fillings require the tooth be kept clean and dry while the cavity is being filled. Composites bond to the tooth to support the remaining tooth structure, which helps prevent breakage and insulate the tooth from excessive temperature changes. Although no filling lasts forever, maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine can help your filling live up to its maximum potential.

If you have further questions about the type of fillings we offer, give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Christopher Emuedue at Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, call 903-455-6701.