Wisdom teeth can cause major pain or complications to the point where they need to be extracted. At Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX, we can perform experienced extractions for our patients. With all of these extractions needed, you may be wondering why we even have wisdom teeth in the first place. Keep reading to learn more!
The theory behind our wisdom teeth is that around 20,000 years, they were probably more necessary than they are now. Back when humans ate tougher foods like nuts, roots, and raw meat, the extra teeth may have helped with chewing. These days, we have a wide variety of foods to eat and we can cook them so they are easier to eat.
In addition, human faces and jaws have become smaller over time. So when the wisdom teeth grow in, there is often not enough room for them. Some people are born without them or only some of them.
If you are experiencing signs that your wisdom teeth are growing in, be sure to schedule an appointment with us so we can evaluate them. Appointments may be scheduled for Greenville Family Dentistry in Greenville, TX by calling our office at (903) 455-6701 or by visiting our website, www.greenvillefamilydentistrytx.com.